Q: You know what’s coming, what is your top Behr beer?
A: "Two Two …hands down."
Q: How did you become a part of the Behr team?
A: "Cat and I have been friends for a very long time. She needed a beertender and I needed a change!"
Q: Do you have any special talents?
A: "Hmmm..no not really haha but I can make an elephant sound"
Q: Would you rather fight 100 ducks or 1 horse-sized duck?
A: "Neither, I'm a lover not a fighter haha"
Q: What is a fun fact about you?
A: "I was Queen Maysea (Queen of Cape May) in 1988 ish I'm not sure a long time ago."
Q: When can we find you behind the bar?
A: "Thursday - Sunday day and Monday night."